Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ep1 Pt2 Bat Storm: Financial Crisis on GoAnimate

In episode 1, part 2 of Bat Storm: Financial Crisis Bat Storm continues his downward spiral as Super Charge seems hell bent on beating Bat Storm to every crime scene and generally answering every call for help.

If you haven't seen episode 1, part 1 of this superhero series then click the link to visit it's corresponding blog post and episode.

I was definitely looking to get more action into this series and I think part 2's opening scene really delivers...

Ep 1/ Pt 2 Bat Storm: Financial Crisis by etourist

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What I like most about the opening scene is that I managed to make Super Charge's flying up the side of the building smoother and more cartoon like. That is, you'll notice before he smashes into the side of the building he kind of moves away from it, like he needs a bit of a run up - it's a classic cartoon movement.

I don't remember having too much trouble writing this particular part of the story as part 2 was first released within 2-3 weeks of part 1. I knew Bat Storm was definitely headed further on his downward slide and that it would be up to Bat Flash to help him up again.

Incidentally the first time you see Bat Storm in the bar, observant viewers will see Underdog, dressed as Shoe Shine Boy with the girl he was chatting up in my Havock animation.

The less observant of you should have no trouble seeing Havock, from the same animation, sitting next to Bat Storm. Those of you who have seen Havock may notice the parallels in the storyline between that animation and Financial Crisis (unsurprising since Bat Storm takes some of its inspiration from the original Hancock movie staring Will Smith). In Havock Underdog plays a similar role to Super Charge in Bat Storm.

If you ever need real proof that I wrote this script as I was making the animation take a close look at the Jokester's face in the hospital scene of this episode and compare it with the Jokester at the hospital in part 4. I won't say anymore because it'll spoil a major plot point for you if you haven't seen it.

Another interesting thing to point out is Bat Flashes fight with Charge Girl is an extended adaption of the same joke that originally appeared in the second Bat Storm preview. It was such a good joke in the preview that I felt it should be in the actual episode too.

You may notice in the episode version the Cowboy hat wearing thief holds his knife much better than in the preview version. I really don't like how the comedy world characters never seem to hold things in their hands very well so I improvised with a flesh coloured snow ball prop to simulate fingers around the knife handle. It was a bitch trying to time the movement of the snow ball with the hand and, whilst it's not perfect, it's pretty close.

What I like about this episode is that not only do you get a feel for Bat Storm's sense of hopelessness but, despite his own run down appearance, he's still concerned about Bat Flash setting a bad example for hitting Charge Girl.

By the end of the episode I'd established a crime for Bat Storm and Bat Flash to solve based on the idea that parent's often put up a reward for information leading to finding their missing children. This would help solve Bat Storm's financial troubles. It also related to the children's parties that both the Bats and the Jokester were involved with.

Unfortunately a kidnapped child also gave me a real dilemma because in real life this type of crime can often be very dark and really distasteful. Not somewhere I really wanted to go. I really had no idea how I'd get around it, or even who was responsible for kidnapping the girl.

This dilemma ultimately is what delayed the final two parts.

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