GoAnimate is #winning when it comes to creating topical animations whilst a hot topic is on fire. No matter what all the GoAnimate detractors say, there's few traditional animators that can get a one minute or greater, satirical animated cartoon made within hours of a topic exploding.
Take the launch of the iPad 2 or Charlie Sheen's Two and a Half Men melt down. There are few traditional animators that would sit down and make a cartoon specifically to make fun of these events. It's a lot of work and time to devote to something that will be out of date probably within months or maybe even days of being finished.
That's a niche that GoAnimate can fill. In the right hands a fairly good satirical animation can be made in hours, providing a fun way to interact with an issue beyond writing a blog post or filming a live action response video.
Below is my iPad 2 parody promotional video that I created for my main blog post titled, iPad2, Steve Jobs - Easy Targets. WARNING: Strong language.
Steve Jobs - iPad 2 Simplicity by etourist
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With the parody video I was trying to suggest that perhaps Steve Jobs isn't quite the genius we all know but is more like the stereotypical, blinkered, Apple product consumer... essentially Apple test markets their products on Steve to see how he reacts.
Earlier this year when Charlie Sheen exploded with his Two and a Half Men melt down and subsequent emergence as an internet sensation I made the video below. Everyone was thinking Charlie was headed for rehab because his behaviour seemed erratic and possibly drug fueled.
However Charlie was more interested in reinventing himself and I thought maybe he could do rehab and work at the same time...
Charlie Sheen agrees to Rehab by etourist
Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!
Obviously it plays on the idea that both Robert Downey Jnr. and Mickey Rouke have both struggled with substance abuse but both have made a comeback. Robert in particular started his come back with the first Ironman movie (or is that the Ironman Rehabilitation Program?).
As you can see both these animations are short and simple. Both took a few hours to create. To do the same animations drawn from scratch would be too time consuming and hardly worth the effort for a few cheap laughs.
In my opinion good quality animation should be made for good quality scripts that can be watched over and over again. Let people appreciate all that really hard work. I know that's what I'd prefer for my own hand drawn animations.
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