Monday, July 28, 2008

A Savvy Baby LOVES ETSY....

The Next 4 Weeks we are going to be featuring
All Things Etsy!
Please Check Every Monday for A New A Savvy Baby Etsy Shop Find and associated with each new find is a fabulous giveaway!
The Last Week we will be sharing a new shop each day with a giveaway so it will be 5 days of giveaways!!

Our First Etsy Shop Featured is:

My name is Sarah Gaylor and I am a stay at home mom to a beautiful 1 year old girl. I started making baby items after I saw a Martha Stewart episode with a seller from I checked out the site and thought it might be worth a try to make some cute baby stuff and earn a little pocket money on the side. I try to work when my little one is napping or after bedtime. I make quilts, blankets, bibs, change pads, and more....
Please check out Sarah's Etsy Shop

Tell us what your favorite item is and why you love it and you could be our first ETSY shop winner announced on Friday August 1st.
Sarah is giving away a bib and burp cloth set!

Thank you Sarah for sharing Sarita with us!!!

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