Thursday, July 3, 2008

Amy Tice Design

Hello all you wonderful “Savvy Baby” readers!  It is such an honor that I was asked to be a featured guest on here!

 First of all, my name is Amy and I am a mother of 4 beautiful children, ranging from the ages of 4 months to 5 years.  Yes, I have my hands full!  But, I am enjoying every minute of it!   

To add to the chaos, I have my own graphic
 design business,
 which I started back in 2005.  Over the past few years I basically just
 started playing around on the computer and discovered that it was
 something that I was actually good at….and
 enjoyed doing!  When I was pregnant with my second child, I expanded my knowledge and went back to school.  It was all online which was great. You can imagine the craziness with already having one child and another one on the way.  I finished the program successfully and then decided it was worth a shot to open my own business.  I guess it was a good idea because people actually hired me and my business was doing great.  It has continued to be successful even in the midst of adding two more babies to our family.
I hope you’ll to take a look at my website. I also have a brand new Blog.  I’ve done everything from logos to baby announcements and continue to stay plenty busy.  Sometimes it’s hard to manage babies and business but we make it work. Naptime is wonderful and something I look forward to everyday!!

Thank you for this opportunity to share with all you wonderful momma’s!  If you, or someone you know, is in need of a graphic designer…….call Amy Tice Design!

**Check out Amy Tice Design or her Blog! One lucky reader will receive a $25 gift certificate good towards any Amy Tice Design Service!! Just leave us a comment telling us what you would use the gift certificate towards!**

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