Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Have You Heard?

A Savvy Baby Loves KidZui!
KidZui is the Internet for KIDS!
You can download for FREE on your computer and your kids can surf the internet and kid related sites to browse and have fun on!

Here is a little more & the story behind KidZui...So you too can feel comfortable allowing your kids to surf the net!

Cliff, Vidar and Tom build businesses. They sold their last one, Infogate, in 2003. Then they set off on a quest to find the next cool thing to build. They spent a lot of time searching the Internet for ideas. At one point, Vidar noticed his kids were spending a lot of time on the Internet too, but mostly, this made him quite nervous, as the Internet is no place to let kids roam unsupervised. Vidar’s realization of how difficult it was to empower his three boys to navigate the Internet safely on their own was the inspiration for KidZui.

While the trio identified that kids were being excluded from the power and promise of the Internet, they saw how others were trying to solve this by offering kids narrow, limited Internet experiences. There were products out there that constricted the Internet down to a handful of sites, often purely commercial, but there was nothing with any breadth.

The KidZui browser was designed to offer kids the same expansive experience adults have on the web. KidZui brought together a team of over 200 teachers and/or parents to scour the web in search of the best content for kids. The founders engaged their kids, nieces and nephews to assess the initial product; they were later joined by over 5,000 other curious young beta-testers and their parents.

Rather than filter the Internet, KidZui’s founders built an entirely new one – customized for kids. Instead of reducing, KidZui expands. There are already over 600,000 websites, pictures and videos in KidZui, all painstakingly reviewed by caring teachers and parents just like you. And the process continues 24/7 with new kid-friendly content added daily.

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